Cornerstone Family Counseling
This website was a complete re-design for the organization. It took 1 week to complete with about 35 - 40 hrs in total work time. [Made from 100% HTML and CSS]
Visit SiteAll of my websites, no matter what price category it is in, will always be mobile ready and responsive! It is a proven fact that around 55.77% of users around the globe visit websites on mobile devices. This is very good for your business, as it will attract customers, because without mobile friendliness, you could be losing many clients/visitors
All of my websites are produced 100% from scratch with the help of themes and/or frameworks. Each and every individual persons website is different and unique in its own way. Your website, depending on your budget, can look just about any way you want, and can do whatever you want it to do.
Want to sell your products on your website? Well, now you can with Shopify! All you have to do is tell me about your business, tell me what you want, and I help you with the rest. You can even manage your content/products in a user-friendly (customizable) mobile application!
* Additional Charges Will Be Added To Your Overall Quote
The following articles contain details on my two most recent web design projects/clients, for more websites and to see my full portfolio with my story and background, please click the See Full Portfolio button below
This website was a complete re-design for the organization. It took 1 week to complete with about 35 - 40 hrs in total work time. [Made from 100% HTML and CSS]
Visit SiteThis application was put together in 4-6 Weeks in a JS (JavaScript) course taken at Geekwise Academy, and uses Bootstrap Frameworking, Glyphicons, and a lot of logic with built-in local storage
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